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Nutrition in Older Adulthood

Older adults have unique nutritional needs that support optimal health and enhance quality of life during aging.


Older adults have unique nutritional needs that support optimal health and enhance quality of life during aging.


Chronic DiseaseChronic Disease1

Elderly Couple Drinking MilkOlder adults have unique nutritional needs that support optimal health and enhance quality of life for healthy aging.


Bone + MuscleBone + Muscle

Strong BonesOlder adults are at greater risk for health conditions related to bone and muscle mass loss, including osteoporosis and sarcopenia.



Dairy FoodsResearchers are uncovering how a healthy diet can help preserve cognitive function.


Nutrition SecurityOlder Adulthood GraphNutrition Security

One in 5 food-insecure households include an adult 65 years or older.10 Poverty, food insecurity and poor nutrition have harmful impacts on the health and well-being of older adults.

Access to nutrient-rich dairy foods can help older adults achieve nutrition security, supporting their ability to work, carry on daily activities and live


Prioritize NutritionPrioritize Nutrition for Older Adults

Dairy Foods2Adequate milk and dairy intake can be a simple, safe and affordable solution to support health as people age. Health professionals, community resource centers, Area Agencies on Aging, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP), Meals on Wheels and food banks can advocate for milk and dairy foods’ role in meal programs that support older adult nutrition.


Adding DairyTips for adding daily dairy for Older Adults

Adding just 1 additional daily serving of dairy foods to current consumption can help older adults move closer to meeting daily dairy needs and significantly contribute to closing gaps in key nutrients of concern.


Daily dairy recommendation for older adults is 3 servings.11


Serving Sizes for Adults

one cup milk1 cup yogurt

1 cup of milk or yogurt

Cheese Ounces

1 1/2 ounces of cheese

Research & Publications

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