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Bessie O'Connor, RDN

Bessie is a RDN and Nutrition Science Project Manager committed to translating & communicating nutrition science to improve community health.

Meet staff member, Bessie O'Connor.Bessie O'Connor is a registered dietitian nutritionist and Nutrition Science Project Manager committed to translating and communicating nutrition science to improve community health. Her experience learning and working in diverse cultures such as Chile, Hawaii, Costa Rica and Spain influence her perspective and understanding of how diversity and disparities shape food choices, and she approaches her work through this lens. 

As a mother of three children, Bessie knows the inherent challenges to establish healthy eating habits in children and that these challenges are often exacerbated by disparities in access to nutritious foods and nutrition information. Bessie is passionate about working for an organization that prioritizes the lifelong health of children and families by supporting nutrition security.

Bessie earned a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics from the University of Northern Colorado and a Bachelor of Arts in cultural anthropology from the University of Hawaii. 

She can be contacted at boconnor@healthyeating.org.


I believe preventative measures such as implementing nutrition education in schools will improve the lifelong health and well-being of Californians.