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DairyUP App

Built by dairy professionals for dairy professionals, the mobile app provides quick and easy access to dairy facts and statistics.


Dairy Council of California is using dairy messaging and technology to meet the needs of the global dairy community.

DairyUP is a free mobile app for dairy professionals to use when talking about milk and dairy products and the journey from farm to table.

Information is easily accessed in six categories: nutrients of milk and dairy foods; health; safety; animal welfare; environment and sustainability; and types of milk and dairy foods.

DairyUP provides a cohesive voice on milk and dairy foods for supporters from all over the world. In fact, the app has been downloaded hundreds of times and has users in more than 10 countries, including Ireland, Poland and China.

Download DairyUP today. 

Available on Apple and Google Play app stores.

Scan below to download

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