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Trina Robertson, MS, RDN

Trina is a registered dietitian nutritionist and Evaluation and Impact Manager manages and leading the organization’s evaluation scope and processes.

StaffPhoto_TrinaRobertsonTrina Robertson is a registered dietitian nutritionist and Dairy Council of California’s Evaluation and Impact Manager. In this role, she manages and leads the organization’s evaluation scope and process, working with partners and third-party organizations to assess and evaluate resources, using quantitative and qualitative data to measure impacts and gauge effectiveness. Assessing data results, she provides recommendations to continuously improve Let's Eat Healthy nutrition programs and resources that drive stronger behavior change outcomes to work toward the organization’s long-term intended impact. 

In addition to maintaining strong statewide relationships and partnerships, Trina supports and tracks the organization’s achievement, impacts and relationships regionally, nationally and globally. Her work in Orange County led to the co-development of valuable nutrition resources designed to educate and improve behaviors across California and the United States. She recently co-led a National Institutes of Health grant project through the University of California, Irvine to conduct a needs assessment on the nutritional needs in the first 1,000 days of life, which is from conception to age 2. 

A strong advocate for lifelong learning, Trina believes that by effectively communicating, educating and leveraging shared values, all communities can be empowered to make healthier eating part of regular eating patterns, building a strong foundation for health. She knows that there are many influences driving what people choose to eat and that the advice provided to them is usually offered with the best of intentions. She believes focusing on whole foods that are satisfying in taste can lead to positive changes in eating styles that are intuitive, enjoyable and can be maintained long term so better health will follow.

Trina completed her master's degree in nutrition and dietetic internship at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola Marymount University.



Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it. —Julia Child